広島大学 保健管理センター

新型コロナウイルス感染症について / Covid-19

(English version follows) 

 #1 学生の出席停止期間




#2 周りの方への配慮 


#3 濃厚接触者 


#4 同居者が新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかった場合 

新型コロナにかかった方の発症日を0日として、特に5日間 はご自身の体調に注意してください。7日目までは発症する可能性があります。 こうした間は、不織布マスクの着用や高齢者等ハイリスク者と接触を控えるなどの配慮をしましょう。  

#5 感染した場合 


学生、職員が新型コロナウイルス感染症に感染した場合は、引き続き、保健管理センターに感染の届出をお願いいたします。学内の感染症対策に活用いたします。 なお、病院職員はこのweb 入力は不要で、病院感染制御部にご報告ください。



厚生労働省. 感染症法上の位置づけ変更後の療養に関するQ&A①、https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/001087453.pdf  

#1  Student suspension period 

Until 5 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and 1 day has passed since the symptoms were relieved.

*Refrain from going out for 5 days, counting the day of onset as day 0. If the patient is asymptomatic, the sample collection date is day 0. 

*Refer to the above criteria when deciding whether to stop employees from coming to work. 

#2  Consideration for those around you 

Until 10 days have passed, there is a possibility that the virus will be discharged, so please take care not to spread the virus to those around you, such as wearing a non-woven mask and refraining from contact with high-risk people such as the elderly.  

#3 Close contact 

People who have been in close contact will no longer be required to refrain from going out according to the law. 

#4  If a cohabitant has a new coronavirus infection 

counting the day of onset of the cohabitant as day 0, please pay attention to your physical condition, especially for the next 5 days. Up to 7 days, the symptoms may develop. During this period, wear a non-woven mask and avoid contact with high-risk people such as the elderly.  

#5  If infected 

 If you are a student infected with the new coronavirus, you cannot attend university. Please contact your Student Support Office regarding classes.

Student support office: https://momiji.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/momiji-top/en/life/toiawase.html

 If a student or staff member is infected with the new coronavirus, please report the infection to the Health Service Center. We will use the information to prevent infectious diseases on campus. Please note that hospital staff do not need this web entry; please report to the Department of Infection Control, University Hospital. 

WEB input: https://forms.health.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/user/paper/covid19 

*Information collected by the Health Service Center may be shared with departments in charge. In addition, it will not be used for anything other than measures against infectious diseases on campus.